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CRE Weekly NewsWatch

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  1. Deadline Former CNN exec’s new political-opinion streaming service to give multiple radio personalities an OTT platform
  2. Reuters Spotify hit with $1.6 billion copyright lawsuit on behalf of multiple artists
  3. Inside Radio News, talk and sports led the way in 2017 for streaming-radio growth, per Triton Digital
  4. MediaPost Amazon's mini Alexa-enabled voice device, the Amazon Echo Dot, outsold all other products on Amazon over the holidays
  5. MediaPost “What Seasoned Advertisers Can Learn From Podcast Advertising,” offers guest columnist
  6. Inside Radio Stations running all-Christmas format during season typically experience 72% audience spike, per Nielsen
  7. Inside Radio Nielsen to discontinue funding for CRE; among final projects is industry whitepaper on hybrid audio-video measurement

Big Data

  1. B&C; 66% of media ad buyers are leveraging digital data for linear buys, per VideoAmp survey
  2. MediaPost Sling TV partners with comScore to develop what they say is first cross-platform effort to measure addressable advertising
  3. MediaPost Amazon said to be in talks with major consumer brands about targeted voice-assistant ads
  4. MediaPost Programmatic not only dominates online and mobile, but now even touches print and outdoor, ANA finds
  5. Network World IDC predicts 2018 spending on the internet of things will hit $772.5 billion
  6. MediaPost Nevertheless, CMO Council survey finds brands remain reluctant to use programmatic for traditional-media buys


  1. MediaPost IAB, 4As unveil terms, conditions addendum for long-form video, addressing definitions, viewability
  2. TBI Vision Amazon reveals subscribers’ streaming preferences, by region
  3. B&C; Hulu promotes former NBC Universal veteran Julie De Traglia to head of research, a new position
  4. B&C; Netflix’s original film “Bright” drew 11 million viewers within first three days it was available, according to Nielsen
  5. FierceCable “2018 Preview: ESPN, Verizon and others will lead streaming proliferation”
  6. MediaPost Sunday is the number-one day for streaming video, according to Dish's Sling TV
  7. MediaPost In apparent challenge to Google and Facebook, Amazon eyes video advertising expansion
  8. Business Korea Over 60% of the TVs sold in 2018 will be smart TVs, up from 47% in 2016, IHS Markit forecasts
  9. MediaPost A new term for OTT and/or social-only video channels: “Post-Cable Networks” (PCNs)
  10. MediaPost Fraudsters “have become increasingly clever” in getting premiums for viewable impressions, per Cox Media analysis


  1. MediaPost Study reveals why consumers block ads on Android Mobile
  2. NY Times “That Game on Your Phone May Be Tracking What You’re Watching on TV”
  3. MediaPost 46% of U.S. adults use voice-enabled digital assistants, per Pew study -- 42% of that via smartphone, with smart TV use looming
  4. Engadget Wireless mic Mikme brings high-end sound to mobile videos

Network & Local TV

  1. B&C; Overall news viewing rose 6% in 2017, with growth led by MSNBC, per Pivotal Research analysis of Nielsen data
  2. Ad Age NFL games accounted for 37 of the Top 50 TV broadcasts in 2017
  3. eMarketer Among 6 digital video trends forecast for 2018: “’Peak TV’ Will Give Way to ‘Content Bubble’”
  4. B&C; ABC-ESPN ratings for NBA Christmas games up 39% vs. 2016 holiday
  5. MediaPost Joe Mandese cites among the CRE’s accomplishments its neuromarketing study to measure people’s attention to television
  6. CableFax Only one of the top 10 most-viewed cable nets in prime saw 2017 viewership growth, per Pivotal Research analysis
  7. MediaPost Through first 3 months of season, broadcast nets saw double-digit-percentage dips in 18-49 Live+SD, per MoffettNathanson

Social Media

  1. Adweek Football continues to dominate Nielsen Social Content ratings
  2. B&C; ANA is buying trade group Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA)
  3. Ad Age Snapchat may force users to watch three seconds of ads before skipping
  4. Ad Age Logan Paul faux pas underscores another risk to social-media advertising: irresponsible behavior by “influencers”
  5. Adweek Surprisingly, none of Trump’s tweets made the top-10 most-trafficked of 2017
  6. MediaPost Joe Mandese on the chicken-egg question “Which came first?” in the symbiotic growth of programmatic and social media
  7. Deadline “Facebook Creates Tool To See If You Interacted With Russian Propaganda”

Virtual Reality

  1. MediaPost HTC Vive leads VR market, Oculus Rift gains in popularity
  2. FastCompany “Why 2018 Will Be The Year Of VR 2.0”
  3. Gizmodo Samsung’s HMD Odyssey Is the Swankiest Way to Enter Virtual Reality
  4. San Francisco Chronicle Stanford’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab is “one of the more cutting-edge facilities” in VR testing