CRE Structure

CRE Organizational Structure


The primary decision-making body of The Council will be the Board, comprised of 35 voting members representing various industry interests plus two non-voting members representing Nielsen Media Research. The Board will be the lead driver of the fund and determine which research projects are undertaken. Industry representation will include: broadcast networks, cable networks and operators, broadcast stations, syndicators, advertisers, and mainstream and ethnic agencies, as well as public representation.

Steering Committee

A smaller working Steering Committee will be selected by the Board at the initial meeting and include no more than 10 members. The Steering Committee will oversee operations, regularly caucus with industry segments, and make recommendations to the Board. The Steering Committee's main role is to develop and execute a formal process for identifying potential research projects, make a recommendation to the Board on which projects to pursue, and work with Nielsen or outside vendors to execute those select projects.

Working Committees

As needed, small working committees addressing particular research issues will be created by the Board to address particular research topics and recommend specific research projects to the Board.

Technical Advisors

A panel of independent research experts will be available to consult with the Steering Committee and the Board as requested.

Nielsen Client Base and Industry Representatives

Working committees, from time to time, may wish to invite other Nielsen clients to committee meetings to offer their viewpoints on different research possibilities. In addition, occasional "Town Hall" meetings will be held in major markets for clients and industry members to express their interests and propose research that should be conducted. All Nielsen clients are invited and the meetings will be webcast in order to allow participation of anyone with interest. Nielsen's website will be a resource for keeping this group informed of developments with The Council, including regular status reports posted to the site.


Richard Zackon, a respected media research consultant with expertise in program facilitation, will help guide the Council.
