
Kathleen Bohan

SVP Local Research UCI Univision Communications, Inc.

Kathleen Bohan

Kathleen has over 25 years of research experience and is a subject matter expert in Hispanic media and measurement.  Currently she is Senior Vice President, Local Research, for Univision Communications Inc. where she manages a staff that provides multi-media and consumer insights for Univision’s owned and operated Local TV and Radio stations and is responsible for providing Local media insights and strategy to UCI’s corporate business units. She joined the company in 2002 as VP, Radio Research and Marketing and was promoted to SVP in 2007.

Prior to Univision, Ms. Bohan served for nine years at Katz Media Group, first as Research Director of Katz Hispanic Media and later as Vice President, Radio Research and Marketing for Katz Media Group.  She began her career as a Research Analyst for Eastman Radio

Ms. Bohan holds a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and is currently a member of the MRC, Nielsen’s PGC, Nielsen’s Radio advisory Board, NAB’s COLTAM and COLRAM and the CRE.  Her prior work includes work with the ARF Ethnic Steering Committee and as chair of the RAB Goals Committee. 
