Welcome - The Council for Research Excellence
Ceril Shagrin CRE Chair

Welcome to the CRE web site!

The Council for Research Excellence is a body of senior research professionals, formed in 2005 to identify important audience measurement questions and to find, through quality research, the answers to those questions. The Council provides the Nielsen client community an avenue for undertaking research projects no one company could undertake on its own.

Council members address what's needed in order to meet current and future research demands. They prioritize and select the projects to be undertaken. Since 2005, major studies have led to new insights on: media consumption habits; the application of new technology; the reliability of media related universe estimates and the best way to collect that information; the availability and potential of set top box data; sample quality and the impact of non-response on survey participation; and a better understanding of digital media consumption.

The research already completed has provided knowledge shared with all Nielsen clients -- and this knowledge in turn generates new questions which will lead to additional research projects in these same areas. In addition, new committees are now focused on local market measurement and social media, and the Council is exploring the measurement of advertising ROI.

The members of the Council represent local station groups, broadcast and cable networks, agencies, advertisers and industry trade groups. New members are chosen regularly by the Council. Anyone working for a company which subscribes to Nielsen can volunteer to work on a committee or seek membership in the full Council.

I have been a member of the Council since its inception. I am proud to be a part of a dedicated group focused on research quality and am honored to be the new CRE chair. Please visit our website often and participate in our webinars.

Ceril Shagrin
CRE Chair