Return Path Measurement

With the ability to time-shift video consumption, come the demands for greater accountability and increased data granularity within the commercial Broadcast/ Cable industry.  For these reasons, Set-Top Box (STB) data are increasingly being heralded as the future of television audience measurement.  

The goal of this subcommittee is to conduct a comprehensive examination of how various vendors’ STBs capture and report tuning, from which will emerge learning as to the viability of using STB data as a measure of video tuning behavior.  To that end, the CRE's Set-Top Box Subcommittee has engaged the services of consultants who are working in tandem to create and field questionnaires designed to obtain relevant information, the findings of which will be shared industry-wide.

If you are a current Nielsen Client and are interested in participating on this committee, click here to share your interest.

Pat Liguori

Committee Members
Michele Buslik
Ann Casey
Jon Cogan
Patti Cohen
Alex Corteselli
Tim Dolson
Nancy Gallagher
Bruce Hoynoski
George Ivie
Larry Jung
Michele Meyer
Susan Nathan
Matt Ross
Chris Ryan
Ceril Shagrin
Ritchie Yu

Downloadable Documents