CRE Internship Program

Thank you for your interest regarding CRE's Internship program launched in 2011.

Our mission is to inspire the next generation of researchers to join the profession of audience research and to help them obtain the training to allow them to excel. At the same time, we will work with the industry to support the ongoing training of current research professionals.

We plan to:

  • Offer Internships through CRE member companies
  • Act as a clearing house for internships through this website
  • Provide remote learning sessions for teachers (to help train the trainers)
  • Conduct workshops for students, faculty, and industry professionals
  • Direct an outreach program focused on college career days
  • Help develop training materials

For summer internships we typically ask interested employers to contact us by mid-April of each year with:

  • A brief description of the internship (including job responsibilities)
  • The period of time the internship is to be offered
  • The length of the internship
  • Paid/non paid status
  • Name of person to contact

But we encourage interested parties to contact us at any time to discuss how CRE can work with your organization to help advance the recruitment of next-generation audience-research professionals. For more information, please contact Sharon Warden, chairman of the CRE's Education Committee, at And we invite interested employers and students to keep checking back with this site for updates.