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OMD, New York, NY


• In 2004 Mike was appointed Director of Global Research and Communication Insights at OMD Worldwide. In this role, he is responsible for guiding and shaping the development of OMD’s research on a global basis. In 2005 and 2006 OMD partnered with Yahoo! to conduct two frequently-referenced global studies. The first, Truly, Madly, Deeply Engaged focused on global youth and their media and technology usage habits. The 2006 study, It’s a Family Affair, broadened this effort to the entire family (and results revealed that today’s internet-using family lives a 43 hour day due to multi-tasking.)

• Mike has also introduced a tool that links media research with advanced analytics from marketing research called Market Structure Prospector, and frequently consults with clients on the application of that tool to their target marketing.

• Before joining OMD, he was Senior Vice President/Chief Research Officer with the NFO unit of the integrated TNS-NFO research firm. There he consulted on various forms of survey research including advanced analytic techniques such as conjoint analysis, volume forecasting, segmentation, virtual shopping designs and the integration of Behavioral research with Attitudinal research. In addition, he was the global expert for TNS in the understanding of how consumers make decisions at Retail, and, in that role, developed models that linked consumer brand loyalty to the retail shelf decision-process.

• Prior to TNS-NFO, Mike was with Promotion Decisions, Inc./Knowledge Networks, where he focused on marketing mix modeling and volume forecasting. He has worked at Chicago-based research firms ACNielsen/BASES, and Information Resources, Inc.  Mike's client-side experience includes Bristol-Myers Squibb (brand manager) and Clorox (director of marketing research.)


• After initially co-authoring an article on human cognition in the Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, Mike switched to Marketing Science and has written a number of works pertaining to the practitioner side of the field. These include a handbook titled Short and Long-Term Effects of Advertising and Promotion, commissioned by the Association of American Advertising Agencies (AAAA) in March 2002. This work expands on an article he co-authored for the AMA’s Marketing Research Magazine Summer, 2000. (The article has been translated into several languages including Chinese and Danish.)

• Mike’s earlier research on "liking" in the copy testing process was published in Advances in Consumer Research (vol.18) and is frequently cited in journal articles on advertising effectiveness. His work on single-source data and analysis is cited in John Phillip Jones' classic textbook, When Advertising Works as well as other texts such as State of the Art Marketing Research (Blankenship, Breen and Dutka.)Subsequent articles in Marketing News suggesting the better integration of Behavioral and Attitudinal research have been referenced in publications on the topic of Efficient Consumer Response, (ECR) and have been re-published in internal corporate newsletters such as the Gallup Cyberletter. His innovative work connecting psychographic research to the internet in the health care space appeared in the Council of Survey Research Organizations (CASRO) 2002 Annual Journal. The October, 2003 newsletter of the Graduate Marketing Research Association at UTA contained Mike’s article on the integration of POS research data into survey, scanner and panel data sets.

• Most recently Mike was interviewed by USA Today for OMD’s analysis of the Baby Boomer segment in an article that appeared in February, 2007. His segmentation of the market for scientific products was written up at the Live Science website, while a podcast of  his interview with Radio Tuck about the role research plays in a media company can be found at the Dartmouth-Tuck site.


• A frequent speaker at conferences, Mike, a member of the Apollo project, will present early results and their implications for ROI assessment at the annual ARF conference in New York in April, 2007. In 2006 he participated as a panelist on the hot topic of DVRs and their impact on television viewing at the Museum of Television and Radio.

• Mike currently co-chairs the Media Effectiveness Council for the ARF; serves on the Apollo Steering Committee; and is Vice-Chair of the CRE while leading its Steering Committee.

• He has lectured on survey research techniques, new product volume forecasting, test marketing, retail point-of-sale research and market segmentation at over two dozen universities, and has led executive seminars at the BASES/Burke Institute and at IRI University, which he helped create in the mid-1990s. Mike was also appointed to the editorial review boards for an ARF handbook on scanner data, Keys to Fact-Based Decision Making, as well as a  textbook on in-store retail advertising methods, Point-of-Purchase Advertising. He has also served as an expert witness in a case involving promotion evaluation.

Academic/ Personal

• Mike earned his MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, has an MA in experimental psychology from Columbia University and a BS (Honors) in Psychology from Loyola University of Chicago.

• He has taken additional coursework in the Philosophy of Science at the University of Chicago, in German language and literature at the Goethe Institute, in Spanish at the Arroyave Academy of Languages, and in French at the Alliance Francaise and the Arroyave Academy. Mike is fluent in German, conversational in Spanish and has a reading knowledge of French; he has translated technical material from each of these languages into English.