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Research Associate Professor in the Survey Research Center
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan

Mick Couper is a Research Associate Professor in the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, at the University of Michigan and a Research Associate Professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM).  He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Rhodes University, an M.A. in Applied Social Research from the University of Michigan and an M.Soc.Sc. from the University of Cape Town.  He has almost twenty years of experience in the design, implementation and analysis of survey research on a variety of topics and using many different methods.  He has consulted for numerous clients, both private and public, on all aspects of survey design and data collection.  His current research focuses on nonresponse, the role of the interviewer, and the application of technology to the survey data collection process (including CATI, CAPI, audio-CASI, IVR, and Web surveys).  He is the co-author (with Robert Groves) of Nonresponse in Household Interview Surveys (Wiley, 1998), chief editor of Computer Assisted Survey Information Collection (Wiley, 1998), and co-author (with Robert Groves, F.Jackson Fowler, James Lepkowski, Roger Tourangeau, and Eleanor Singer) of Survey Methodology (Wiley, 2004).  He has published numerous other articles in a variety of journals
