CRE Newsletter

CRE Newsletter

May 2017

Letter from the Chair

Billy McDowellWe hope you will join us for some upcoming research presentations detailed in this month's newsletter.

On June 12, we will be at the Advertising Research Foundation's Audience Measurement Conference to report on our recently completed white paper on "Better TV Data for Modelers."

And on June 20, we will present a webinar for Nielsen clients to discuss findings from the in-home portion of our "Mind of the Viewer" neuroscience study.

Also in this issue, we chat with Annette Malave of the Radio Advertising Bureau on a wide range of topics including the radio business, her career and her passion for achieving diversity in the media industry. Annette is putting her passion into action as the leader of the CRE's new initiative to diversify our membership ranks.

I hope you enjoy this monthly update. As always, we welcome your feedback.

Billy McDowell Vice President, Research Raycom Media Chair, Council for Research Excellence

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Save the Date for Nielsen Clients: CRE Webinar on Neuro Study Set for June 20 Expand

The CRE will hold a webinar for Nielsen clients on June 20 at 3pm ET to review findings from the second of a two-phased neuroscience-based study designed to better understand how consumers view television programming and advertising in a multi-platform world. The in-home phase of “The Mind of the Viewer” reinforces that networks and brands have opportunities to engage with viewers but that it’s important to understand how different types of distractions compete for viewer attention.

The study reported findings in three areas: General Viewing Environment, Impact of Second Screen, and the Impact of Co-Viewing.

Findings will be reviewed in the webinar by Nielsen's Dr. Carl Marci, EVP and Chief Neuroscientist, and Naomi Nuta, VP Client Services. The study was led by Howard Shimmel, Chief Research Officer, Turner Broadcasting System and Chair of the CRE's Neurometrics Committee, and Beth Rockwood, VP, Portfolio Research and Chief of Staff at Turner and Vice Chair of the CRE committee. Research was conducted by a Nielsen team led by Marci.

If you are a Nielsen client please watch for an invitation.

CRE White Paper on 'Better TV Data for Modelers' to be Presented at ARF Event in June Expand

The CRE will present findings from a recently completed white paper, "Better TV Data for Modelers," at the Advertising Research Foundation's (ARF) Audience Measurement Conference in Jersey City, NJ at 2:50pm ET on June 12. The white paper was written by Sequent Partners under the auspices of the CRE's ROI Committee, chaired by David Poltrack, Chief Research Officer, CBS Corp.

The motivation for the paper was the demonstration over the last few years that aggregate market-level, overly averaged data doesn’t line up well with weekly sales data, and thus doesn’t show the medium in a fair light. The paper explores whether the television data used in marketing mix models can be improved. Modelers need more disaggregated data, variability and exposures properly aligned by week in order to tease out the impact of different media on sales.

Nielsen provided a very robust examination of the issues and agreed to make certain changes to strengthen the data streams for modelers. Nielsen also examined the impact that changes could have on television ROI.

These issues will be discussed in detail at the ARF session, to be followed by a CRE-hosted webinar for Nielsen clients on a date to be announced.

To register for the ARF's Audience Measurement Conference, click here.

CRE Spotlight: Annette Malave, SVP, Insights, Radio Advertising Bureau Expand

Please tell us about your responsibilities as the Radio Advertising Bureau's SVP, Insights.

My role is to provide the data and insights that radio sellers need to increase revenue into the industry while also compiling information that will elevate radio to the top of the media consideration phase among advertisers and agencies. This ranges from creating a resource of facts and figures to developing presentations and one-sheets that answer specific questions on radio’s strengths. I am also the lead for our multicultural efforts and the ghostwriter for the RAB blog, "Radio Impact Reports."

Can you tell us a "radio insight" or two that might surprise people?

That’s easy. Radio reaches more adults every week than any other medium.

What are the radio industry's most significant research needs at this time?

Measurement – increased frequency, larger samples and all electronic.

You recently volunteered to lead the CRE's new diversity initiative, saying that you are passionate about the issue. Please tell us a bit about that passion... where it comes from and how it has impacted your life and career.

Diversity can mean so many things. It can refer to race, language, gender, age, etc. When I started in advertising X number of years ago (I won’t say how many), there were few female leaders and even fewer Hispanics. I was fortunate to have great mentors, male and female, who supported, taught and guided me along the way. Sometimes they even “pushed” me when they knew I needed it. As a Hispanic woman in advertising, I have experienced what some would consider challenges and unique obstacles. At those moments, I would think of those who supported me at the start of my career and I just pushed forward.

I think it’s important to share experience and knowledge and I’ve done that throughout my career. It’s about paying it forward and honoring those that helped me along the way.

What is the CRE looking to accomplish with this initiative?

I walk the same way every day to the subway. One day, I noticed that a restaurant closed. I found out that it had been closed for months. Sometimes work can be like that. Our industry is changing so fast that it’s important to get fresh and different perspectives. It’s crucial to engage with those just entering the industry as well as tap into those that have multicultural experience. Getting new perspectives will help determine new research possibilities.

Are you still seeking volunteers to help with this mission?

Absolutely! This initiative won’t work without volunteers to help target candidates, promote this opportunity and enhance an already incredibly smart and passionate group of the research community.

EDITOR'S NOTE: To volunteer or learn more about this initiative, please send a note to the CRE.